Northbound train pulling into Bletchley railway station

15 July 2010

... and statistics

For a while at Bletchley we've had the London Midland performance poster for the period 7 Mar - 31 Mar up in the station building, but this week the edition for the four weeks ending 26 June 2010 has appeared.  For anyone who is unfamiliar with these stats, the latest edition along with an archive going back to 2007 is available at Performance : London Mdland.

So what are the highlights for May-June?  London Midland have said that:
  1. 92% of our trains arrived within 5 minutes of the scheduled time
  2. Overall passenger satisfaction was 86%

I found these figures interesting and wanted to know more.  I've still to study the detail (so more to follow on, but I figured that others may want to do their own research so here's where the source data can be found:
  • The punctuality stats are reported through the Office of Rail Regulation.  Anyone wanting to see the detail should visit National Rail Trends
  • The passenger satisfaction stats are produced by Passenger Focus ("an independent public body set up by the Government to protect the interests of passengers").  The detailed stats quoted by London Midland, along with an explanation as to how the fieldwork was done, can be found at National Passenger Survey - Spring 2010 - London Midland

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