Northbound train pulling into Bletchley railway station

03 June 2010

Bletchley station shop

Returning to work yesterday (after an extended bank holiday weekend) I was disappointed to find that the paper and coffee shop at the entrance to Bletchley station had closed down.  Apparently its last day of opening had been the previous Friday and the owner had been in over the weekend to strip out the fixtures and fittings.

I'm unsure how long "Puccino's" had been trading at Bletchley station but suspect it was 5-6 years.  They took over when the previous operator, W.H.Smith closed the shop down.  They added hot drinks to the usual mix of newspapers, drinks and snacks, and have helped to make train journeys from Bletchley a bit more civilised.   The staff have generally been friendly and efficient, and I hope that they find new jobs quickly.

So what now for us commuters?  Hopefully someone will take up the lease before too long, but in the meantime there's no newspapers, hot coffee or tea.  This situation is hopefully only temporary, but for now at least the journey into London has taken yet another turn for the worse...

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