Northbound train pulling into Bletchley railway station

08 June 2010

Windscreen leaflets

I'm starting to worry that the postings to this blog are starting to become just a long line of whinges, but this is one moan that has to be voiced.

I got off the train this evening to find that my car was one of many that had had a leaflet stuck under the windscreen wiper advertising a new "Gentlemen's Grooming Centre" (i.e. more expensive than usual barber shop) in Bletchley.  

Although I find it incredible that this practice is legal (most of the leaflets are discarded so end up as litter), the nuisance is normally minor.  Unfortunately, it had rained today and the glossy leaflet had become a sticker.  I could see that I wasn't the only driver who found that when they tried to remove the leaflet it left a large white area of paper stuck to the windscreen (when I got the car home it took 5mins to scrap this off.

It didn't look like the cars on the lower deck of the car park had been leafleted, so my guess is that whoever had done the job had tried to avoid being picked up by the CCTV cameras.

Please London Midland, when we pay to use your car park it would be nice to think that our vehicles weren't abused in this way.  It doesn't happen very often (maybe a half dozen times a year?), but it would be nice to think that you didn't have to pay someone to pick up the litter and that on the days that the leaflets get wet, we wouldn't have to scrape stickers of our cars...

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